Saturday, October 6, 2012

To those reading this blog:

I understand that some may question the lore or anything else. Keep in mind that I do not intend for that to be his lore completely, just a base in which people can get an understanding of the character as whole and to see why he is how he is. Also, the posts in the less serious side of things here are there for your enjoyment and laughs. Also to say thanks to Riot Games for being fan-considerate and taking the time to work to their greatest effort to bring us League of Legends.
With much appreciation for my readers,
DancouKaiser (NA)

EDIT: Can anyone reading this support the champion idea through this thread on the League Forums? It would be greatly appreciated!!
[Champion Concept] Kenshin the Voidborn Avenger

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Well. I was just asked what my abilities/passive would be if I were a champion.
My passive would be Drunken Dunkmaster, granting me 5% Rage every time I either deal or take damage. Rage shields 7 damage per %.
Q- Shadow Stalk - Grants me stealth until I get within 50 units of target champion. If I get there in less than 5 seconds, I deal true damage equal to 20% of my AD.
W- Wrath of the Rageaholic -Grants increased attack and movement speed depending on how much Rage I have (It expends all Rage I have and grants the same percent to said bonuses.)
E- Accursed Meal - (passive) Every time I consume any potion, I am granted effects opposite of what I consumed that affect enemies in an area. HP - deals damage equal to double of what I heal, Mana - drains the mana of nearby enemies and adds to my rage meter, Oracles - Limits the vision of the first enemy hit after consumption.
R- Chaos Dunk - Grab target champion and slam him at target location, dealing physical damage equal to 20% of their current health + 50% of their armor to enemies within a 250 unit radius.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

More Lyrics For League.

As I am sure most of you are wondering, yes I think of these things, just that when I write them down, they often get lost in thought till I actually type them for people to see. I'd submit this kinda thing to the Songs of the Summoned, but I doubt people want to listen to songs relating to just Mordekaiser and Karthus.. (who are two of my favorite champions, of course.)

Kaiser's Wrath (parody lyrics to Dead End by Faylan)

Got that skill shot, and that long range
Don't have your escape ready, ain't that strange?
You keep on chasing the Jungler,
Yet you fail.
Speed up and cut him off,
Like a shot of Petrikov
Yes, I'm..
gonna take that kill.

Tonight is the dance of death,
How will you play?
Time to throw down in any lane
How will you fight?
Don't bother with that carry
I've got this down
We'll push turrets, to their base

No matter who it is,
I'll smite them where they are
Near or gone, they know who I am
In the fog or war, I can still see
Just hold the faith, do your job
Or it's your Dead End.

They thought they could catch me off guard
Just what am I to believe
Got my Q ready gonna melt some faces
Their support dies,
Their carry whines, their Tank just dives
I am numero uno

Gotta fight on the fields of screams,
Games aren't as they seem
Dunk entire teams with just me,
Why do you leave!?
Seriously, where are you going?
Don't even think you can get away.
I'm the Master of METAL

Found you and your team,
Got my Ulti now you start to scream,
obscenities in all chat freaking all day
Why can't you just take your loss gracefully?
You do know there's a way to deal with you
It's your funeral,
Get banned, it's the Tribunal..

I found you. Because of my ward.



Just what are you...
or just plain bad?
GOT my build,
I'm on the loose,
Tightening that noose...
I'm on the prowl,
Eyes glow like an owl

Gonna carry my team,
Kill who I choose.
Gonna push my lanes, and then your Nexus
I'll see whose soul I find worthy
To Enslave for my victory
Surrender now,
It's all you got,
Your Defeat...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Meeting new Artists? YOU DAMN RIGHT I AM.

As per my intention, I went to Sugar Punch's booth at Anime Expo. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. In fact, I was damn happy that they had the Killer Syndicate poster so that was a buy at Day 3. Everything else I got were League pins along with some more posters and an Iron Tager pin.
Much thanks to these two gentlemen, artist is on the left. I had a commission of my champion done by him and he's also awesome to talk to. :D
And they also know how awesome Tager is. Can't deny that. And I sure as hell won't.

And if you want to visit their blog and keep up with their updates, go right ahead. In fact, I seriously suggest it. Their art is awesome are so are they.

Sugar Punch Design Works

And this lovely artist here. With a beautiful display of art to match the artist herself, Miss Amanda Kiefer showed the Artist Alley her League of Legends fanart, and I was rather surprised to know that it was her behind the Schoolgirl Katarina. I bought a bookmark and poster, both of Ashe the Frost Archer. Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado... here she is.
Also: Should you be interested in her art in general, I recommend visiting the following sites:
Amanda's Portfolio

Amanda's Blog

And should you be interested in following her art elsewhere:

Cashmere Kiss

AAANNNNNNDDDDD... her Twitter.!/ImagineAmanda

Friday, June 22, 2012

To those looking for me outside of Twitter:

Should it not be obvious by now, I am going under the alias Dunkmaster Tager whilst keeping any other alias others may know me as, mainly DancouKaiser since that is the titular alias of this blog. If anything, if I am in fact sought out, the above picture should be plenty to find me by if I am playing card games at the time:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

To Riot Games:

Before you think this is just another post bitchin' about the servers are down, hear me out.

Firstly, as a LoL player, I respect you for your hard work. As a fan, I respect you for your hard work AND the fact that you talk to your fans like we were equal. For this, I believe you are being treated unjustly by your own community. However, people will be people. We cannot change that, as much a shame as it is. As a token of my appreciation, I am continuing my efforts in the Tribunal and voicing out that you deserve better treatment from your fans.

But my efforts will not stop there. I intend to get a "Thank You, Riot Games" mat made and sign it with my thanks. Not just because of the aforementioned reasons, but also because it seems like no one truly appreciates the efforts of the companies that make their favorite games. People complain mostly because they feel as if they were entitled to more free content. These people are ... well. I can't say. Otherwise, I'd come out sounding exactly like how they sound on a daily basis, the way they sound of course being found on the Tribunal's reported cases.

You do your best, and that's what I believe counts. I believe in you to do what you do. Because you're working so hard, I am getting quite worried about your state of mind and am hoping you come out doing real well, and proud that you have done your community a service despite all the treatment that's plaguing the internet.

With Best Regards and Godspeed,


Friday, June 15, 2012


I am feeling good about this. Spreading the word and even getting some of the League RP Twitters to go along with the story makes me feel real good about this. They seem to like it, so I am rather happy about that. I am also hoping that Rioters grow to like this enough to MAYBE warrant a vote on his creation as a champ (Yeah right. That'll be the day, but wishful thinking could be a reality if pushed enough in this case. I hope.) for the League. That way I could actually hold my head up high in pride as a LoL fan who got his creation through by persistence and continued effort and support. I can only thank my friends and supporters so much, but I will hold the celebrations (read drunken dunkings of random people online) for when it is actually done and everyone is trying him out. Once again, thanks to the readers of this blog and thanks to Riot Games for making League a fun game for everyone.

Always Happy to Help,

PS: Don't go to the Arcade in Little Tokyo (Downtown LA) and play Blazblue: Continuum Shift without expecting me to dunk you. Because anyone who knows me will know my real intention of going there. Display poor enough conduct and I will in fact, tell you to GET DUNKED.